Abandoned Dev gained access to the makers of Silent Hill Creators

creator Uninhabited He confirmed that he reached out to Konami, the creators and rights holders of Silent Hill. since then Uninhabited Announced in April 2021, it has been shrouded in mystery and has become the center of many plots. Many considered it a scam, although the developer asserts that it is making a game that it plans to release. Others have suggested that it is a secret Hideo Kojima project. There were a number of relatively valid reasons why people would think Uninhabited Hideo Kojima’s game was secret Or maybe a new Silent Hill project, but they’ve all been debunked. However, this plot has gained a lot of attention and may have backfired on the game itself.

In a new interview on Sacred Icons Podcast (which is currently only available on Patreon), Uninhabited Content creator Hasan Kahraman stated that he has not met or spoken with Hideo Kojima, but has communicated with Konami. Kahraman stated that he contacted Konami due to the massive spiral effect of Uninhabited Intrigues and wanted to clear the air. “I reached out to them because I was nervous because people thought it was Silent Hill. You’re out of control, you’re a small developer, you don’t have a big audience, you’re inexperienced. I reached out to Konami saying ‘You know what, that was never my intention’.” And they were really cool.” Kahraman stated that Sony was also “very cool” and gave him the freedom to do whatever he wanted.

Uninhabited It appears to be largely a standalone game and has no connection to any static IP. It remains to be seen whether or not it will take any inspiration from games like Silent Hill, but it still looks like it could be a great original horror game. Maybe one day Silent Hill will return on its own terms, but it doesn’t look like it’s going to happen any time soon, much to our dismay.

Are you excited for Uninhabited? Let me know in the comments below or hit me up TwitterCade_Onder.



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